[Beowulf] New tools from FB and Uber
Lachlan Musicman
2018-10-30 17:27:23 UTC
I always find it weird when companies I don't like release new toolsets
that make me begrudgingly think that they are not evil to the core.

FB has open sourced some interestimg kernel tools, including 'cgroups2' and
btfrs (!! Wasn't that already floss?)


Uber has released a new player in cluster workload management, Peleton


Enjoy your morning reading!

Tim Cutts
2018-10-30 18:14:11 UTC
I vaguely remember hearing about Btrfs from someone at Oracle, it seems the main developer has moved around a bit since!


On 30 Oct 2018, at 17:27, Lachlan Musicman <***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>> wrote:

I always find it weird when companies I don't like release new toolsets that make me begrudgingly think that they are not evil to the core.

FB has open sourced some interestimg kernel tools, including 'cgroups2' and btfrs (!! Wasn't that already floss?)


Uber has released a new player in cluster workload management, Peleton


Enjoy your morning reading!


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Christopher Samuel
2018-10-31 00:04:49 UTC
Post by Tim Cutts
I vaguely remember hearing about Btrfs from someone at Oracle, it
seems the main developer has moved around a bit since!
Yeah Chris Mason (and another) left Oracle for Fusion-IO in 2012 and
then shifted from there to Facebook in late 2013. Jens Axboe (the
kernel block layer maintainer) also moved from Fusio-IO to Facebook
shortly after (early 2014).

FB run btrfs on a bunch of their infrastructure which helped them find
problems at scale (from memory, I don't track it any more).

All the best,
Chris Samuel : http://www.csamuel.org/ : Melbourne, VIC
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Gerald Henriksen
2018-10-30 23:56:46 UTC
Post by Lachlan Musicman
FB has open sourced some interestimg kernel tools, including 'cgroups2' and
btfrs (!! Wasn't that already floss?)
Btrfs has been around for a while, and has even been in the Linux
kernel for a while.

I'm guessing that Facebook has had their own development branch which
they are now making public as that link differs from the development
branch that is shown on the kernel Btrfs page:


Currently I believe only OpenSUSE ships it in a supported form, Red
Hat announced they are removing support and it won't be in future
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Tony Brian Albers
2018-10-31 06:24:43 UTC
Post by Gerald Henriksen
Post by Lachlan Musicman
FB has open sourced some interestimg kernel tools, including
'cgroups2' and
btfrs (!! Wasn't that already floss?)
Btrfs has been around for a while, and has even been in the Linux
kernel for a while.
I'm guessing that Facebook has had their own development branch which
they are now making public as that link differs from the development
Currently I believe only OpenSUSE ships it in a supported form, Red
Hat announced they are removing support and it won't be in future
It's been supported on Oracle Linux for a long time(since 6.3 I think)


Tony Albers
Systems Architect
Systems Director, National Cultural Heritage Cluster
Royal Danish Library, Victor Albecks Vej 1, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
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