Christopher Samuel
2017-06-29 01:39:30 UTC
Hi all,
A few folks were chatting about HPC distributed filesystems over on the
Australian HPC sysadmin Slack and the question arose about whether
anyone is using BeeGFS for non-scratch (persistent) storage.
So, is anyone doing that?
Also, is anyone doing that with CephFS too?
All the best,
A few folks were chatting about HPC distributed filesystems over on the
Australian HPC sysadmin Slack and the question arose about whether
anyone is using BeeGFS for non-scratch (persistent) storage.
So, is anyone doing that?
Also, is anyone doing that with CephFS too?
All the best,
Christopher Samuel Senior Systems Administrator
Melbourne Bioinformatics - The University of Melbourne
Email: *** Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545
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Christopher Samuel Senior Systems Administrator
Melbourne Bioinformatics - The University of Melbourne
Email: *** Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545
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