Douglas Eadline
2018-08-16 12:42:03 UTC
Hello fellow Beowulfers
Normally we send emails about SC and Beowulf Bash in a timely fashion
a few weeks before November (okay that is a bit generous,
but let's continue)
This year is the 30th anniversary of SC (BTW "SC" stands for
Supercomputing, which is what it was originally called, but now it is
called SC to save letters or something)
In any case, this year as part of the historical perspective
at SC18 the Beowulf Bash committee is planning a Beowulf Booth!
As we are still in the planning phase and I cannot divulge what
the booth will "be" exactly, but in the Beowulf tradition
it will be built from various constituencies in the community
(people, projects, companies, etc) And, I can say you will want
hang out at this booth.
This is the point where your input is needed, particularly the old-timers
on the list (you know who you are) Here is what we are looking
- written antidotes, stories, lessons, community, reflections about
the whole Beowulf era (and what it means today) These stories,
at a minimum, will be published on the web (1000 words or less)
- pictures of people, hardware, etc. Please include captions and
credits for the pictures.Please Identify people places and things
- Any old school Beowulf Hardware you would be willing to
loan to the booth. We are not looking for rack of old servers,
but that Pentium Pro motherboard from the basement might be
- Any stories about the Beowulf Bash or the LECCIBG (Google it)
- What ever else you think would be important to have in your booth
Send all materials or suggestions to me (*** by:
***Monday October 1st, 2018***
Also, make sure the Subject Line contains "BEO18"
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Beowulf mailing list, *** sponsored by Penguin Computing
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Normally we send emails about SC and Beowulf Bash in a timely fashion
a few weeks before November (okay that is a bit generous,
but let's continue)
This year is the 30th anniversary of SC (BTW "SC" stands for
Supercomputing, which is what it was originally called, but now it is
called SC to save letters or something)
In any case, this year as part of the historical perspective
at SC18 the Beowulf Bash committee is planning a Beowulf Booth!
As we are still in the planning phase and I cannot divulge what
the booth will "be" exactly, but in the Beowulf tradition
it will be built from various constituencies in the community
(people, projects, companies, etc) And, I can say you will want
hang out at this booth.
This is the point where your input is needed, particularly the old-timers
on the list (you know who you are) Here is what we are looking
- written antidotes, stories, lessons, community, reflections about
the whole Beowulf era (and what it means today) These stories,
at a minimum, will be published on the web (1000 words or less)
- pictures of people, hardware, etc. Please include captions and
credits for the pictures.Please Identify people places and things
- Any old school Beowulf Hardware you would be willing to
loan to the booth. We are not looking for rack of old servers,
but that Pentium Pro motherboard from the basement might be
- Any stories about the Beowulf Bash or the LECCIBG (Google it)
- What ever else you think would be important to have in your booth
Send all materials or suggestions to me (*** by:
***Monday October 1st, 2018***
Also, make sure the Subject Line contains "BEO18"
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Beowulf mailing list, *** sponsored by Penguin Computing
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