[Beowulf] DC asset / Beowulf
Ryan J. Negri
2018-10-25 02:38:14 UTC
Hi, John.
Thanks for allowing me to be in your HPC group, it's been really
educational and helpful as I dive head-first into this new industry.

There's something I haven't shared with you, that I'd like to, and if it
can be of value to you or anyone in your group, I'm more than happy to
share it with them too.

In a joint venture w/ UNLV, Switch, and Altair, I've acquired an unlimited
footprint of square footage across all six of Switch's Tier 5 data centers
<https://www.switch.com/locations/#locations>, hosting included! Altair
<http://www.altair.com> is my backend, integration and customer support for
now and until I hire my own team. My mission is to give this
asset/resources back to startups and small businesses in the form of
serverless hardware leases, although, there are many more profitable and
philintropical endeavors I'd like to pursue too, and maybe that's where we
could work on something together - if this all sounds exciting.

I have much more to share, but only if you want to hear more - I respect
your time.
Have a great day!


[image: Laicos] <http://laicos.com/>
*Ryan J. Negri <***@laicos.com>* CEO, Co-Founder
11700 W Charleston Blvd | Suite #170-346 | Las Vegas, NV 89138
Laicos.co <http://laicos.com/>m <http://laicos.com/> | LaicosCloud.com
<http://laicoscloud.com/> | (720) 909-2421
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